Teach. Share. Awaken. Connect.

Bridging the past and the future through hands-on skills that build community, right here in Northern Michigan.

Help us build our classroom yurt by making a tax-deductible donation to the Kingsley Folk School, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

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Bringing traditional earthen crafts & skills back to the people.

The Kingsley Folk School connects people with skills to share to those who want to learn. From fiber arts to sauerkraut making, we offer a diverse array of classes and courses for all ages— with efforts to expand programming at every opportunity!

Support Our Growth

Do you have a skill you would like to teach?

We all have something to offer, whether it’s one’s love for the history of baseball bats or sharing your deeper-than-average command of mushroom foraging. If you’re ready to share your knowledge & passion with others, we’d love to have you teach with us!

Take classes taught by local people from all walks of life.

Sign up to be in the know about our upcoming classes, workshops and events below!