General Guidelines for Common Good

This is a safe and neutral space

We want to celebrate each individual’s perspective and life experience and honor and respect all of our differences. It is important to us to maintain a safe and neutral space for all and in doing so we refrain from promoting or campaigning religious or political agendas. We welcome folks from all backgrounds, walks of life and orientations and do not tolerate bullying of any kind.

Keep it Clean

As a family-friendly organization, we ask that you consider this and dress and behave appropriately for all ages. Illegal drugs, weapons or activities are prohibited on the Folk School premises and at all Folk School events.

Registration & Cancellations

All registrations are considered a commitment to your participation. If you cannot attend or need to cancel for any reason, we require 24-hour notice for a full refund. If a class, workshop or event is cancelled for any reason you will receive a full refund unless otherwise specified upon registration.

Pay it Forward

Be the change you want to see. As a community run and supported project, the Kingsley Folk School is committed to values of reciprocity and accessibility. If you want to take a class and don’t have the means, reach out, we’ll see what we can do. If you have more than you need and feel called, please donate to help us provide programming to all.

If you have something you want to teach, let us know!

If you learn something at a class, pass it on!

This is the history and future of folk traditions.